Create an incentive
Incentives are a great way to encourage customers to purchase a higher value gift card. An incentive works in the following way: Load $X amount receive a $Y bonus amount. (Ex. Load $50 or more, receive 10% bonus value). Here’s some scenarios that illustrate how an incentive works in your gift card program.
Customer purchases a $50 gift card, receives a 10% bonus amount, his gift card balance will be $55 ($50 + (10% of $50 = $5))
Customer purchases a $100 gift card, receives a 10% bonus amount, his gift card balance will be $100 ($100 + (10% of $100 = $10))
Customer purchases a $25 gift card, does not receive a bonus amount.
Create a new incentive
Go to the dashboard and navigate to the Incentives screen. Now click on the the New Incentive button in the top right corner.
Now you’ve be able to configure a new incentive. An incentive has the the following components which you can configure:
An incentive’s condition determines when an incentive is applicable when a new gift card is created or reloaded. Two options are available:
Amount over: When an amount equals or larger than the configured amount is loaded onto a gift card, the incentive will be applied. (Ex. Load $100 or more, receive a 10% bonus)
For every amount block: For every amount block, the incentive’s reward will be applied. (Ex. For every $50, receive a $5 bonus amount)
The reward an incentive grants when it’s applicable. Two options are available:
Flat amount: A fixed amount is added as a bonus to the gift card when the incentive’s condition is met. (Ex. Load $50 or more, receive a $5 bonus)
Percentage amount: A percentage of the amount loaded onto the gift card is added as a bonus to the gift card when the incentive’s condition is met. (Load $100 or more, receive a 10% bonus. The bonus amount will be $10)
Limited Usage
A limit can be set to how many times the incentive will be granted. Only 1 incentive is applicable per gift card. Two options are available:
Unlimited: The incentive can be applied an unlimited number of times.
Limited: Limit the maximum amount of times an incentive will be granted.
Valid For
Control the time period when an incentive is active and can be granted. A start and end date can be set or the incentive can be marked to never expire.
Incentive created
Once the incentive is created, it will be shown in the Gift Cards app on your Clover devices and in your online checkout page. Only active incentives will be available. An incentive will be activated when entering an amount larger than the condition of the incentive.
Multiple incentives can be created, but only 1 incentive will be applied at a time. The incentive with the largest bonus amount will be applied. to the gift card order.