Setup card checkout on a website

Loopz allows you sell gift cards on your website by embedding a script and some custom code on your website. Integrating the solution only takes a few minutes and is easy to customize. This guide will take you through the steps to setup the gift card checkout solution on your website.


Step 1 : Complete Program Setup

Before you can integrate the gift card checkout on your website, you must have signed up for an account, created your gift card program, created a gift card design and if you’re using the Android app, connected a Stripe account. The following guides can help you through the setup process.


Step 2 : Copy link or code snippet from your dashboard

Once the program setup is complete, open your dashboard and go the the checkout section. Here you can copy the link to your online gift card checkout which you can use as a link on your website or share on your social media. You can also copy a code snippet which you can add to your website to embed the checkout directly in your website.

Embedding the checkout on your website


On a page where you want to add the checkout, add a new Code Block. Paste the code snippet you copied from your dashboard in the code block and click save. The checkout will now show up on the page.


To add the checkout to your Wix site, you’ll have to add an HTML Iframe to your page. Once the HTML Iframe block is added to your page, you can either enter the checkout link you copied from your dashboard when selecting Website Address or paste the code snippet from the dashboard when you selected Code in the block.


Adding the embedded checkout to your Wordpress site requires an IFrame plugin. Once the plugin is installed, paste the code snippet in the IFrame. The embedded checkout should now be shown.


Add a new HTML Section to a page on your site and paste the code snippet in the Custom Code field.


  1. Login to your Shopify admin panel.

  2. Click on Online Store – Pages.

  3. Click on Add page.

  4. Enter the Title of your Page and and click the <> icon in the text editor.

  5. Paste the code snippet in the text editor

Stuck? We’re here to help you. Contact us if you need help setting up the online checkout.